Events photos gallery

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Photos from 8 May: Establishing Singapore as a Philanthropic Hub – Your Role

How can we support Singapore’s vision of becoming a regional philanthropic hub across our activities?  As the industry body for EAMs, IAMs and family offices in Singapore, we were honored to be able to co-organise a half-day workshop with UBS Singapore on “Establishing Singapore as a Philanthropic Hub – Your role” yesterday, to improve awareness and drive better outcomes beyond ‘chequebook philanthropy’.
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Photos from 18 Apr: AIWM Business Apero at My Awesome Café

It was an above #AIWM-esome gathering with our awesome members last night. The members, connected, re-connected, and the spirit of camaraderie prevailed throughout the 2-hour business apero held at My Awesome Cafe.
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Photos from 28 Feb: AIWM Regulatory and Compliance Update

Our first instalment of the much-anticipated AIWM Regulatory & Compliance Update kickstarted on a positive note! In partnership with KPMG Singapore, our venue sponsor, 60+ members spent a fruitful morning, getting the latest updates on BCM, AML as well as learning to overcome the challenges of using new service providers at the KPMG Clubhouse. Special thanks to Wendy Lim, Jason Tan and Kelvin Sng for your insightful sharing.
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Photos from Jan 25: The Dragon Roars: AIWM CNY Dinner

#Throwback to our 1st event that kicked-off the Year of the Wood Dragon with positivity and auspiciousness. Take a look at the celebration in the Photo Gallery. Re-cap the tips shared by Master Adelina Pang on creating the best outcomes for you and your loved ones in 2024 in the Member Area.   
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