23 May – Q2 2024 AIWM Professional Excellence Presentations

23 May – Q2 2024 AIWM Professional Excellence Presentations

We are pleased to share the presentation materials from AIWM Professional Excellence, held on 23 May 2024.

For the presentation materials from 1291 Group, Easyview, Dimensional and Leonteq, please send an email to support-sg@aiwm.sg

Disclaimer: The materials are for internal reference only. They should not be distributed to external parties without prior authorisation from the content owners.

Investing in Digital Assets and the Opportunity Ahead
Aspen Digital

The Art and Science of Investing: Asset Allocation at Different Points of the Economic Cycle
AVM Capital

Redefining Access to US Treasuries
CSOP Asset Management

Demystifying Quantitative Strategies for Wealth Managers
Eastspring Investments

Application and Impact of the Introduction of Section 10L on Gains from Disposal of Foreign Assets
KPMG Singapore

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